How to make amulets with your own hands: the magic of objects used for specific purposes

Since ancient times, people have believed that talismans, amulets, and amulets can save people from adversity and bring good luck. Time and time again, we try to get as close as possible to solving problems and realizing our aspirations, often using esoteric and magical methods in the process. It's not for nothing that they say the best amulets are handmade. The purchased item is the hand of another person who has put his soul into the business, so his "I" is still wandering somewhere on the astral plane, which means that he has been subjected to the essential purification ritual.

Chinese coins as amulets for money

It is very important to understand this, and most importantly, to believe that it is something "homemade" that can perform real miracles and fulfill the wishes of its owner and creator.

How to make with your own hands an amulet that meets all the necessary parameters? In the occult, homemade magic items can be ugly, and the most important thing is the results. Any available material can be used for manufacturing, and it's not as expensive as some people think. The most important thing is the positive charging of the amulet to fulfill your wishes. So, how do you make an amulet with your own hands?

Choose the parameters of the amulet

First of all, you should decide what direction your desires are, what kind of magical things should be on the outside, and what materials you will use to make it. For example, to make a love luck amulet, you need to understand that it should look like a love amulet, not a business amulet. It could be two clay hearts pierced by arrows or a pair of swans. But banknotes folded in a special way are more suitable as amulets of business success.


As for the form, it can be distinguished as follows:

  • The square symbolizes the right decision, prudence, firmness.
  • Circles and semicircles - a state of harmony, perfection, love.
  • Oval - The ability not to give up in danger and to solve problems in the right direction.
  • The Triangle/Pyramid will allow you to find a common language with another world, which will help you find a solution to the problem of astral space power.

materials for making amulet

It can be clay, wood, metal, fabric, etc. The tree is believed to have the greatest strength; in the past, the most complex amulets were cut from it. Even a simple circle, cut from a branch painted with magical runes, is strong, let alone those who are dressed up. A bag or bunch of cloth is another powerful amulet you can make yourself. In ancient times, furs of beasts were sewn into bags for power, the hair of a loved one was sewn for charm, or coins were hidden to attract money. A pile of metal coins with holes drilled is a good talisman for attracting financial success. The ribbon should be silk and red.

useful little things

Magic symbols are very important when making amulets. Their inscriptions are mandatory, and they enhance the power of magic and guide it in the right direction.

The amulet is best worn around the neck and can be stored in personal items such as a bag, or in a secluded part of the home. It is not recommended to place the amulet and the Christian cross side by side (eg, on the same chain).


When creating amulets with your own hands, you should consider some requirements, namely:

  • believe the results;
  • not manufactured from synthetic materials;
  • Prepare an object with magical powers on the growing moon, at this time it happens to be helpful for all magical acts;
  • Tell no one about your talisman, lest it daunt its power and arouse jealousy;
  • After creation, put it under your pillow until morning to strengthen your bond with him;
  • It must be "opened" within the next few days. To do this, touch it at least 3 times a day, thinking only of satisfying your desires.

How to Charge the Amulet at Home

Skilled magicians claim that an uncharged amulet is a common accessory, so the importance of creating an object of magical power lies in its "rejuvenation". After making the amulet with your own hands, do the following:

  1. clean. Pour the salt into a box slightly larger than the amulet, bury it there, and put the box in the refrigerator. After three days, remove items and rinse in running ice water.
  2. Dry the magic item, place it in the palm of your hand, cover it with the other palm, and begin to permeate it with the energy of your desire. For example, if you want to take a test tomorrow, just think about it, imagine how your line of knowledge goes through the talisman, how it all happens, you get the "pass" you want, ecstatic. You need to do this more than once, speeding up your thinking each time.
  3. Think about it until you feel that the amulet is so full that nothing else fits it. Trust me, you'll feel the moment - this thing starts to "resist".
  4. Keep it in your pocket or bag so it's sure to stay with you.

a few examples

For confidence, make a circle out of clay, extrude a magic triangle inside, and secure the circle to the cotton braid. Wear it around your neck when you need a particularly powerful energy (such as an exam).

Mammoth tusk is a very powerful amulet. For its part, a piece of this material carries a powerful energy that "nurtures" its owner. Magic runes applied to it will enhance the effect. Wear this amulet with silver accessories (eyelets pulled through a rope or chain) around your neck. Shark's fangs will have a similar effect, but its energy is unstable and aggressive, and only the magic of the right choice of runes can make it humble.

A piece of crystal in the form of a flat cylindrical tube, with a hole for the rope, is a powerful talisman. Combine with the Rune Kenaz to impart energy, passion, enthusiasm and firepower. This helps to achieve their desired goals.

If you have a jade ring, the stone can be turned into a "talisman of honor and dignity". Draw the rune Teyvaz on its plane, which is a short upward arrow. In the past, this amulet saved knights and soldiers in battle, bringing good luck in love and finances.